I Thought It Was Darwin’s Fault?

According to Ben Stein Darwin caused the Holocaust. There seems to be a competing explanation though.

You can go here for an explanation of the video/audio. This raises the question, who are we supposed to believe, Ben Stein or Pastor Hagee? If Hagee is right, doesn’t that mean that people went against God’s will by opposing Hitler and doesn’t that mean Neville Chamberlain* was right to appease him? If Stein is right, then why is Hagee lying about God? Is Hagee part of the Darwinian Orthodoxy? This religious stuff is so confusing…
(Note to Wilkins: I’m kidding, I’m kidding)
(I almost forgot, Hat Tip to
Kevin Drum)

4 Responses

  1. I’m so glad that the American media is taking McCain to task for his pastorial gaff as hard as they are Obama’s. I mean, we wouldn’t want any hypocrisy in an American presidential race now, would we?

  2. It’s all quite simple really. You see, God, being God, foreknew that the Jewish people would not go to Palestine. Therefore, he allowed Satan to manipulate an Englishman by the name of Charles Darwin. Satan so infected Darwin’s mind, that he was possessed and through the agency of demons created the evil and pernicious theory of evolution. God knew that the “hunter”, namely Hitler, would be influenced by Darwinism and that this would be the necessary means for Hitler to carry out the Holocaust.
    See, theology isn’t so hard really once you get into the right mindset!

  3. … we wouldn’t want any hypocrisy in an American presidential race now, would we?
    Don’t worry, that’s not possible: our eagle-eyed broadcast media leap ferociously upon each slightest trace of such intolerable betrayal of the voting public and the sacred principles of democracy!

  4. … we wouldn’t want any hypocrisy in an American presidential race now, would we?
    Don’t worry, that’s not possible: our eagle-eyed broadcast media leap ferociously upon each slightest trace of such intolerable betrayal of the voting public and the sacred principles of democracy!

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