Know Your Primate: Ateles paniscus

Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorrhini
Family: Atelidae
Subfamily: Atelinae
Genus: Ateles
Species: Ateles paniscus
Common Name: Black spider monkey
Currently, Ateles is composed of six-seven allopatric species. The black spider monkey lives in Central and South America. They are large monkeys, weighing 15-19 pounds, that have a long, prehensile tail.

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Friday Know Your Primate: Woolly Monkeys

Todays’ entry is my favorite platyrrhine.



Infraorder: Platyrrhini
Subfamily: Atelinae
Genus: Lagothrix
Species: Lagothrix lagotricha
Common Name: Woolly Monkey
Woolly monkeys are a prehensile tailed species (there are two L. lagotricha and L. flavicaudata) related to spider monkeys and howler monkeys.

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