Not Fair: Kansas Exporting Creationists to Missouri

Via Red State Rabble we learn that David Awbrey has resigned his position as Kansas Department of Education spokesman, which is good news for Kansas. The bad news for Missouri is that:

According to the Lawrence Journal-World, Awbrey will return to Missouri to teach middle school social studies.
While RSR feels a great deal of sympathy for Missouri middle school students, we nevertheless feel that Awbrey’s resignation is an important first step in taking back Kansas education from the right-wing culture warriors who’ve hijacked it.

While we are happy that Kansas has one less creationist crackpot to deal with, afarensis thinks that creationist crackpots should not be exported to other states. I mean, really, what did we do to Kansas that they would inflict this on us? What kind of off the wall nonsense is this guy going to be teaching in social studies class? afarensis thinks this has upset the creationist crackpot equilibrium and to rectify the situation I recommend we send Cynthia Davis to Kansas. Better yet we can create some kind of trading system where states with an excess of creationists crackpots get fined, while states with an under representation can get a certificate which they can trade to other states (kind of like Bush’s idea for carbon dioxide – we can even give tac credits to states that don’t have a lot of creationist crackpots). Or maybe we can just trade creationists crackpots (Dembskii and a player to be named later have been traded to Lehigh for cash considerations…)


2 Responses

  1. Oh no! We don’t want him here – send him back to Kansas!

  2. My sentiments exactly!

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